
Scott gets hair

My boys

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Today is Sunday and we are here in our hotel suite. On Friday Dr. Mangus allowed Scott to leave the hospital to come to the hotel for 2 days. He has to check back in today at 4:00pm. Tomorrow he has a procedure to replace at least one of the drains he now has. We are hoping that he can have the 2 JP drains removed as they have had no drainage for several days.
Yesterday Scott wanted to go to the Indianapolis Zoo. Big day out! We rented a wheel chair and were there for about 1.5 hours. It was about 100 degrees with 100% humidity! (not really sure, but that is how it felt to me) Luckily we are staying only a little over a mile from the Zoo. It took alot out of all of us, but we had a good time.
We have been very blessed by the Sinclair family here. They are related to the Hills in our home ward and President Sinclair is the Stake President of the Indianapolis North State. He and his sweet wife Mona visited us in the hospital on Tuesday. After the visit, Elise went to their home for the evening and President Sinclair and President Cowley (Indianapolis West Stake President) gave Scott an amazing Priesthood blessing. We are so very grateful for this blessing and the comfort, hope and faith we received. Since then, Elise has been welcomed by the Sinclairs again on Friday evening and spent Saturday night at their home so she could attend church with them today. Elise has really enjoyed spending time with their family. I am so very grateful for the Sinclairs. They have been such a bright spot for all of us. I know the Lord had a hand in bringing them into our lives.
We are hoping the Doctor will officially discharge Scott to return home sometime this week. We are all so very anxious to come home.
Thank you again for your continued love and prayers!

1 comment:

brionesjm said...

My prayers are with you and your family. Love you both! janet